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Thursday, May 21, 2009

teenage pregnancy video

lol. a very short video.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009


My pictures from kindy to secondary.

5 years old

6years old

standard 2

standard 3

standard 4

standard 5

standard 6

form 3

i don't have a class photo for standard 1 :(
while the rest of secondary is colourless in my school magazine.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

my soon-to-be hairstyle

sophia bush's hairstyle in one tree hill, season 5.
i copied hilarie burton's hairstyle 2 years ago.
now i don a modification of hilarie's hair.
and now, i want this hair, shown by this beautiful picture :D


Accident pics . just outside my home. if i were to explain how it happened, nobody would even understand a word i'm saying.
but i'll still tell the story. haha
one car was coming out of the 'lorong' without slowing down, stop, look, and then go.
while this other car was driving on the straight road, maybe driving fast.
then BAM. BAM. and BAM.
the car from the small lane knock into a parked car on the pavement.
the parked car is the iswara, and its position was shifted 90 degrees.

here are the pics.

Long time ago

maybe this should have been written years ago. but better late than never? sigh, late or early also wont do much help.

so i just would like everyone to know.

this uneasy feeling in me has been there for years. :(

dad wrote this letter to the star and the sun. supposed to be anonymous, but who cares. whether u're known or not, ppl still only care for themselves.

i'm happy on the outside, sad on the inside. forever. this is subjective. this is my opinion. so there will be insults and supports. whichever i receive, still dont change a thing. but what i really like to have now is some encouragement. :S

The PSD should award scholarships to SPM High Achievers based solely on excellent academic results, because these deserving candidates are those who have the best academic scores. It has been observed that these excellent students will continue to do well at a higher level, thus making their respective universities proud.

Academic results should be used as the main criteria to award students scholarships, as other methods are subjective and open to abuse.

Just like in school, every year, prizes are given to the top students who excel in their studies, and no one is saying that this system is unfair.

It must be remembered that awarding scholarships to students based on meritocracy is a fairer way.

Giving scholarships other than meritocracy will see many undeserving recipients dropping half-way through their studies and thus wasting tax-payers’ funds money and also depriving the deserving ones a place.

My daughter who obtained straight 9 1As in her 2006 SPM results failed to secure the PSD scholarship. Yet, her classmate who obtained the same results was successful due to the quota system. My daughter’s appeal to PSD and also through the MCA did not help either.

There should be enough scholarships for those who obtained straight 1As because there were less than 800 students who obtained perfect scores (1As) in 2006.

My daughter has been consistent in her studies all the way without attending any tuition. She is also good in her curriculum activities. Her participation in games at district level, national service training and despite the fact that I am also a clerical government servant was not taken into consideration.

She was then given the ‘consolation prize’ (getting a place to do matriculation instead of a scholarship to study overseas), while others have been given both the PSD scholarship and a place in matriculation.

Due to her consistency, discipline and positive attitude (good values which has been taught to her from young), she has not let the disappointment affect her. She is doing very well and has continued to achieve 4.0 CGPA in every semester.

If she had been given a chance to study overseas, competing with the top students from all over the world would bring out the best in her, thus showing her full potential.

But no thanks to the non-transparent selection by PSD, she has now lost the golden opportunity of a lifetime to study abroad.

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